Experience the community you need to grow your business.

Executive Group Coaching for Christian Business Owners in greater St. Louis to help you steward your business more effectively.


Renew your confidence and
Make better decisions


Receive accountability from
like-minded business owners


Grow your Bottom-Line
and be more generous.

Isolation and loneliness is costing you.
You’ve got a desire to build a strong business where you are faithful to God and others. You want to be a good steward of the resources given to you and the people entrusted to your care.

The problem is you lack the community providing the wisdom and accountability you need to grow the business God has given you.


Are your weeks filled with working in the business, rather than on it?

Do you feel like you have no one you can talk to about the problems in your business?
Are you struggling to scale because you don’t have the business acumen and knowledge you need?
Do you struggle to complete important tasks because you lack accountability?

You weren’t meant to build your business by yourself.

Owning and running a business is no joke. Our C12 Forums use the collective wisdom of many to help you focus on what’s most important and grow your business.

Learn how to spend more time working on your business.

Our curriculum is tailored to help you focus on what’s most important so you can grow and scale effectively.

Implement the right systems to align your team and grow engagement.

Getting everyone working together isn’t easy, but we’ll help you develop the right systems to get there.

Gain the Work-Life Balance and Harmony you’re after.

This isn’t just about business. We’ll help you focus on who and what’s most important in your life so you can flourish.

Make An Eternal Impact.

Eternity is at stake and it’s what motivates you every day. We’ll help you foster a healthy discipleship environment inside your business so everyone can grow.

Meet Greg Atchison, your trusted guide for the journey ahead.

Making daily decisions about your business isn’t easy. When we make them in isolation, the burden feels even heavier. I understand how frustrating and lonely it can be to grow and scale a business. You want to be a good and faithful steward of what God has given you.

I’ve spent over 40 years in the marketplace, coaching and developing executive leaders to make better decisions and grow on their journeys. Book a call today, and let’s help you step out of isolation and into the community you need to help you grow your business.

How we can help grow your business, together:

Becoming consumed by your business and continued to struggle doesn’t have to be your destiny. Here’s how we can help you steward your business more effectively:


Book A Call

I want to understand what you’re up against. Let’s hop on a call and talk about how a C12 Forum can help.


Attend a Meeting

Join us at a Forum meeting where you can learn more about the C12 process and if we’re a good fit.


Join a Forum

We’ll onboard you into a Forum where you can begin learning from others right away and focus on growing your business.

Is a C12 Forum the right fit for you?

Not every coaching experience’s are created equal. Here are a list of the benchmarks and qualifications we look for in a C12 member.


You own the business and follow-Christ


Revenue with at least $2 million


Employ ten or more people


You’re no longer interested in building your business by yourself

What forum members say about C12.

Greg Atchison is a top-notch professional coupled with a deeply committed Christian who wants to live out Colossians 3:23-24.
Our Chair makes all the difference. Committed, excellent listener.
Don’t go it alone. Join C12 and find a group of committed Christian business leaders to pray together, encourage one another, grow in wisdom and knowledge, and grow your business for the Kingdom of God.
Build a great business for a greater purpose.
We believe God is up to something in greater St. Louis and He wants to use business owners just like you to steward and shepherd the needs of our city.

The road to a stronger business and the community you have begins here.

Planning for the future doesn’t have be a pipe dream. God calls us to plan, prepare and then work the plan for His glory.

Learn the power on reflecting where you’ve been and the lessons learned.
Re-visit the ancient practice of seeking God in new ways you can get get clear on where He is leading you.
Look with intentionality to what is currently happening in your business and avoid hang-ups in the future.
Take the proper steps needed to look ahead to the future and grow your business in a healthy way.
Get your 2023
Strategic Planning Guide

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C12 of Greater St. Louis a part of something much bigger.
Since 1992, C12 has been supporting Christian Business Owners and Entrepreneurs on a global scale. Our focus has been to create a framework that inspires these leaders to achieve excellence through the power of community.

We’re not simply a business bible study or even a networking group. We exist to help businesses build for the Glory of God and the transformation of cities.